Good newsGood news Good news
Our store MHGOLDSMITH & JEWELLERY will start to exchange gold at high prices, whether it is bad or old, you can come to our store to exchange your favorite bracelets, necklaces, or other we are waiting for you What are you waiting for MY Dear And MY MH GOLDSMITH & JEWELLRRY Good Custome
Berita baikBerita baik Berita baik
Kedai kami MHGOLDSMITH & JEWELLERY akan mula menukar emas dengan harga yang tinggi, sama ada rosak atau lama, dan lain-lain barang emas kami sedang menunggu anda
MH GOLDSMITH & JEWELLERY terima semua harga emas tinggi . Terus walk in ke kedai
For Walk In customers you may locate us at Segama Complex, Kota Kinabalu same row with 7 Eleven.
Operation Hours :
Monday to Saturdays
9.00AM – 4.00PM
For any enquiries please contact :
Sebut ketika memanggil penjual untuk mendapatkan tawaran yang baik